Thank you for considering co-creating together
My Spring & Early-Summer 2025 books are open and I am currently accepting inquiries for new tattoo projects. This page will guide you through the booking process.
I look forward to receiving your vision!
Firstly, please have a thorough read through of my FAQs here PLEASE DO THIS so you may be able to answer simple questions like hourly rate, location, age restrictions, etc and makes my end of a one woman operation easier.
After reading through the FAQs, please fill out the inquiry form below to the best of your abilities.
Depending on the volume of inquiries it may take me anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to sort through and respond. I appreciate your patience in allowing me to navigate at a pace I know best.
If you are wanting to book for on-going/unfinished work done by me, a touch up for a tattoo I have done or to reach out for something that is not tattoo related, please send an email to
There is no shop phone and in the effort to try and remain orderly, fair & organised I ask all correspondence to be kept to email and not through other social media platforms.
You will notice there is no image attachment option in this form, but if you have images you wish to share you will be able to do so ONCE I respond to your form submission. Please do not send them before I am able to respond to your form. Please do not include URL links to Pinterest, Google images, or any other sites in your form. Thank you and I look forward to working with you!
Please provide all information to the best of your ability. Any forms missing at least a brief description of subject matter will be automatically discarded.
My books are currently OPEN for the period of April-July 2025
Please keep in mind that I do not book in a “first come, first serve” style, but rather I prioritize visions that feel best suited for my style and work. I have very limited availability around the large on-going works currently in my schedule but will do my absolute best to fit as many works in that I can, big or small!
Some things that excite me (but not limited to):
-mythology & spiritually based inspirations
-sygil & symbolism magick
-mushrooms, tree rings & similar natural textures
-story telling
-Goddess/God/Deity portraits
-illustrative, semi-realism & realism styles
-conceptual & neo-tribal pattern work
-whimsical & fantasy
I wish to express my immense gratitude and appreciation for everyone interested in working together and keeping me busy. I am incredibly humbled by all of your trust everyday, thank you. ❤ Looking forward to reading through all of your wonderful ideas